Briefly in english

Ammattikeittiöosaajat ry (Professional kitchen experts’association) is a national organization that offers nutritional expert and further training services in Finland. The association promotes the societal appreciation of its members’ trade, takes stands on current issues, and distributes up-to-date information to support the work of food service professionals. The association has around 1400 members, most of whom work in production, supervisory, product development, or teaching duties in the professional kitchen sector. There are around forty corporate members.

Member magazine

The association publishes 4 issues per year of the AmmattikeittiöOsaaja member magazine, which provides information about the association and offers timely articles and interviews about the professional kitchen sector. The association’s website, , also feature daily news from the catering sector and interviews of professionals.


Every year, Ammattikeittiöosaajat ry organizes topical further training days, covering quite comprehensively the latest innovations and the development of the trade, nutritional questions, and work community skills. The association makes statements about developing the diets of various age groups (children, the working-aged, and the elderly) and makes initiatives for maintaining the high quality of food services and for improving the image of the food service industry. The association’s 14 regional units also organize regional training and networking events for their members.


One of the main elements of the association are The School Lunch Diploma and the Flavour Alphabet Diploma awarded to schools and to kindergartens.
The Diploma is an award granted to schools and kindergartens for providing nutritionally, educationally, and ecologically sustainable school lunches. The diploma certifies the school’s commitment to the national standards and recommendations set for high-quality school lunches. It also tells of great collaboration.